
Zeiss Hide

Fewer small waders coming in on the tide this morning but good views of the Spoonbill which became more mobile later. Still 1 Greenshank and Spotted Redshank, 11 Ruff. Teal count up yet again with 1325 here and around 1800 on the whole site.

South Lake

Great birding here again with 186 Black Tailed Godwits many of which were feeding close to the hide just 5 M away. The 3 Curlew Sandpiper were still here and there were 11 Ruf and 15 Redshank. A great mixture of Tea, Shoveler and Pintail. There were 65 Tufted Duck on the lake with just one Pochard among them.


A little quiet in here after disturbance during the week but still good views of Snipe, Ruff and Redshank. Three Little Grebes and a Grey Wagtail are delighting visitors to the temporary cafe in the Peng through the day.

Robbie Garnett and Holden Tower.

More Teal here and a single Ruff. At least 4 Chiffchaff along the walkway and a singing Cettis. A total of 7 Little Egret on the tide, 8 Golden Plover flying around  and around 400 Greylag and 200 Barnacles but no sign of the first Whitefronts yet.

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