Spoonbill and Fieldfare....

More calm weather making for great viewing around the reserve. The forecast looks good into the weekend.

A Spoonbill flew over the Mere around 4.30pm before heading off towards Woodend Marsh, an unusual autumn visitor but one that is increasing in number as birds are now breeding in the UK.

Back of the camera shot of Spoonbill (David Fyles)

The first Fieldfare (10+) were seen flying over the inner Reed Bed Walk. A few Redwing also flying over the reserve today. Check out any of the Rowan and Hawthorn to connect with these winter thrushes.

Three Swallow seen yesterday afternoon are late-ish records for here.

On the wader front 400+ Lapwing, 15+ Ruff including a white headed 'satellite' male, 20+ Snipe, a few Black-tailed Godwit and a report of 2 Common Sandpiper.

At least one pair of Stonechat are out on Plover Field.

Raptors include 3+ Marsh Harrier, Peregrine (juv), 5 Buzzard, 3 Sparrowhawk, 2 Kestrel.

Around 80 Whooper Swan came in towards the end of the day on Monday. A full wildfowl count to follow...

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