Spoonbill double

28 August


A newly arrived immature Spoonbill joined the longer staying adult bird, as seems to be the way these birds prefer to sleep on the Top New Piece and head out to the estuary to feed, the low tides channels and pools are favoured. This is our tenth individual of 2024.

Tack Piece

Five Green Sandpiper and 14 Redshank plus Teal and Shoveler.

Rushy Hide

Two Greenshank, three Spotted Redshank with the Redshank and Black-tailed Godwit flock, two Garganey among the sleeping ducks, both were on the pool at Martin Smith Hide this and yesterday morning but fly over the fence to rest during the day.

South Lake Discovery Hide

83 Black-tailed godwit, 15 Avocet, 14 Ruff, 1 Little-ringed Plover, c150 Lapwing and 1 Great Crested Grebe.

Middle Point

269 Ringed Plover, 11 Sanderling, 97 Dunlin on the Severn mud, a Greenshank, 8 Little and a Great Egret, a Peregrine 'bumped' 2 Golden Plover from the Dumbles and 2 Marsh Harrier were seen along the foreshore, a Reed Warbler was calling.

A flock of 'Commic' Tern flew downriver this afternoon, probably Arctic rather than Common but too far to be sure. Two Common Sandpiper also off the point.


27 August

Middle Point

Ten 'Commic' Terns rested on the sands for some time late morning.


Spotted Flycatcher.

South Lake

At least 19 Ruff (three juveniles)

Duck Decoy

Two Wigeon this morning, also eclipse drake Mandarin at latter site.

Morning Wild Safari

Three Whinchat, 6 Crane, 5 Grass Snakes, 4 Grey Heron, 8 Little Egret, 2 Kestrel, leucistic Marsh Harrier, 3 Buzzard, Common Darters and Migrant Hawkers.

Afternoon Wild Safari highlights

The leucistic juvenile Marsh Harrier + female, juvenile Hobby, 2 Kestrel, 2 Buzzard, 5 Cranes, 3 Whinchats, Stonechat, Wheatear, 6 Grass Snakes.


26 August

Tack Piece/Summer Walkway

A Corn Bunting was in the hedge but flew off inland when the cattle were moved from the Dumbles.

Top New Piece

Bittern, Spoonbill, 3 Crane, large flock of Canada and Greylag Geese, 1 Avocet, 50+ Teal.

South Finger reedbed viewing screen

Whitethroat, Willow Warbler, Blackcap, 5 Chiffchaff and Treecreeper

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