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Spot Red & Pinkfeet

A fantastic autumn day on site with the sound of Pinkfeet filling the air on and off all day also a Spotted Redshank was on the Mere

Lots of Pink-footed Geese are back, in the region of 1000+ but difficult to know how many exactly.

A Spotted Redshank announced it's arrival on the mere around midday with it's distinctive 'chewitt' call, and spent a while on the mere. A Common Sandpiper was seen from Harrier Hide, the usual Ruff, Snipe and Lapwings around the site and a small number of Black-tailed Godwits with a high ratio of juveniles today.

A Little Egret flew over the Mere in the morning.

At least 3 Marsh Harrier were seen and a juv Peregrine.

A Chiffchaff was singing within earshot of In Focus.

Few reports recieved today, please pop in to In Focus to report your sightings and any counts you might have or for an update on where to see birds on site.

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