Steart volunteer trip to Slimbridge

We thanked our volunteers this summer with a trip to Slimbridge and preview of the Scott House tours.

Our summer event to say thank you to our dedicated team of Steart Marshes volunteers took place last Tuesday. We made our way to Slimbridge for walks, exploring the site and Scott House tours throughout the day. Before the buffet lunch, Steart staff all gave short updates on their current work and developments around the site.

In the words of some of our volunteers:

  • The Scott house tours really were the highlight of the day. What an amazing room with those views out over the water.
  • I so much enjoyed to-day. Such a good atmosphere and such a varied and interesting programme.
  • I thought the Scott house tour was very interesting. The guides were very knowledgeable.
  • Guides were excellent and clearly knew what they were talking about – thanks for a great visit!

We would like to say a big thank you to everyone at Slimbridge who made our visit possible and especially the Scott House team.

Of course the reason behind the day was to thank the volunteers – as we often say, we really couldn’t do it without you!

Thanks to Olly and Alice for the photos.

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