Still have our White-fronts

Having seen numbers drop over the last few days the flock of White-fronted Geese was back up to 151 birds this morning, and they were joined by some more unusual visitors.

Having seen numbers drop over the last few days the flock of White-fronted Geese was back up to 151 birds this morning, and they were joined by some more unusual visitors. A pair of Bar-headed Geese were on the Dumbles with the Barnacle Goose flock. Also clinging on to winter is our last Bewick’s Swan, Vinn, who is still with us in the Big Pen on the pond near the path to the South Lake Discovery Hide. Another two Bewick's Swans were present over the weekend but there has been no sign of them so far today.

South Lake
A single Great Crested Grebe and Little Grebe were on the deep lake along with just 2 male Pochard, 3 Tufted Duck and 2 Teal. At least 3 Oystercatcher were around the wader scrape along with 41 Black-tailed Godwit, 50 Avocet and a second-winter Mediterranean Gull - potentially the 4th or 5th different bird so far this season.

Holden Tower
A pair Bar-headed Geese were on the Dumbles with the Barnacle Goose flock and the 151 White-fronted Geese were grazing nearby. The Peregrine pair were seen mating this morning. A pair of Crows were harassing a pair of Buzzards on a carcass to the north near Mid Point, with a small group of Teal and Wigeon watching nearby. Another flock of Wigeon to the south at Royal Drift were flushed by dog walker.

Zeiss Hide
The hide and part of the surrounding area will be CLOSED Monday 4th to Thursday 7th for essential safety works. Access to South Finger and Kingfisher Hide should remain open. Apologies for any inconvenience

Robbie Garnett Hide
Birds this morning included several hundred Wigeon, a pair of Oystercatcher, 16 Redshank and 41 Curlew.

Kingfisher Hide
Another busy morning at the nesting bank with both male and female seen.

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