Summer plumage Curlew Sand and Knott


Common Sanpiper 1
Green Sandpiper 2
Avocet 5 ad 1 juv.
Shelduck creche at least 13
Tufted Duck brood 3
Oystecatcher 1
Lapwing 1
Crane family watch out for activity in tall vegetation at back of pond.

Holden Tower and walkway.

Yellow Wagtail 1 with cattle
Lapwing 14
Green Sandpiper 1
Little Egret 1
Curlew 5

South lake

Green Sandpiper 1
Redshank 16
Dunlin 9
Black Tailed Godwit 10
Lapwing 7
Ruff 2
LBB Gull 2ad 1 juv
Greylag 135
Common Gull 1
Heron 1
Great Crested Grebe 2 ad 1 juv
Teal 6
Garganey 1 seen yesterday.
Tufted Duck 29

Zeiss Hide

Great wader watching from here again.
Lapwing 141
Avocet 14
Dunlin 186
Curlew Sandpiper 2
Knott 2
Ruff 15
Redshank 10 ad 2 juvs
Black Tailed Godwit 131
Greenshank 1
Teal 34
Common Tern 4
Crane 2 adults and 1 juvenile.
Reed Warbler lots of activity close to hide

South Finger

Tufted Duck 20 juveniles on settlement pool.
Teal 8
Gadwall 3

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