Sunny Monday and the latest WeBS count results

We've enjoyed a sunny and rather calm day following a cold night. The shallow scrapes and pools were largely frozen over this morning so early morning numbers were noticeably lower than in previous days. Yesterday's Wetland Bird Survey totals were completed and results are below.

Rushy Hide

115 Bewick's Swans still present at dawn, a few Snipe on the west bank of the lower pond.

Martin Smith Hide

The Jack Snipe continued to show on the eastern island.

Tack Piece

Part of the E. White-fronted Goose flock fed here with the rest on the Dumbles (North end). The Bewick's Swans moved out to here to feed with the Wigeon flocks but many of the waders (Golden Plover, Lapwing, Dunlin) dispersed across the fields to the north and east.

Holden Tower

Ten Cranes and the majority of the Canada, Greylag and Barnacle Geese fed once the frost thawed. Two Peregrines and a Buzzard were also seen.

The Linnet flock (50 birds) was seen distantly on the Dumbles but never came in close enough to scan for the Twite.

South Lake

A few Black-tailed Godwit, Ruff and pair of Oystercatcher remained with 910 Lapwing on the ice. A Kingfisher was seen along the back ditch and two Little Egrets on the deep lake 'beach'.


A surprise first winter male Goldeneye was on the Big Pen pond with Tufted Ducks to 0830 but departed when the ground became busier.

WeBS Count 27-01-19

Mute Swan 157
Bewick's Swan 115
White-fronted Goose 140
Greylag Goose 478
Canada Goose 359
Barnacle Goose 212
Shelduck 351
Wigeon 2270
Teal 923
Mallard 851
Pintail 233
Shoveler 54
Pochard 146
Tufted Duck 574
Little Grebe 6
Great Crested Grebe 2
Cormorant 12 (14 on South Lake today)
Grey Heron 3 (7 today)
Water Rail 10
Moorhen 202
Coot 129
Oystercatcher 4-6
Avocet 1 (first of the year)
Golden Plover 1100
Lapwing 3807
Dunlin 1068
Redshank 14
Black-tailed Godwit 17
Curlew 178
Snipe 34
Jack Snipe 1
Ruff 18

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