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Support the global climate strikes

WWT stands alongside young people calling for climate strikes

Young people across the world are inviting you to join them in the streets for global climate strikes to demand an end to the age of fossil fuels and climate justice for everyone.

The strikes will take place on Fridays 20 and 27 September, with a week of actions in between. This follows months of Friday strikes by schoolchildren, spearheaded by Swedish schoolgirl Greta Thunberg. The action is timed to put pressure on world governments attending a scheduled UN summit on global climate change.

You can support the global climate strike by finding a local rally to attend, and resources to share on social media, via the Global Climate Strike website as well as actions to take if you can’t get away from work – you can still show your support.

WWT is standing alongside the young people of the world to tackle the climate emergency. Climate change threatens all plant, animal and human life on Earth.

Wetland life is particularly vulnerable because of sea-level rise, flooding, fluctuations in water temperature, and changes in water availability and quality. Yet wetlands are also part of the solution. Peatlands alone only cover less than three per cent of the Earth’s surface but store twice as much carbon as the world’s forest biomass combined. Sadly, wetlands are being lost at three times the rate of forests, and WWT is working to reverse that decline.

WWT Chief Executive Martin Spray CBE said:

“We stand alongside the young people of the world because we, the adults, create the world they will inherit.

“They are giving us a strong, clear message. Enough is enough. We need to hear that message and amplify it.

“We all need to do more to tackle the climate emergency. At WWT, that means creating and improving entire landscapes to store carbon and buffer us from extreme weather. But also making individual actions and changes to our lives. Young people are showing us we can all make a difference.”

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