Sussex author talks about new book for young teens

On Tuesday 02 Aug at WWT Arundel Wetland Centre Sussex author Jill Hucklesby will chat about her new book, 'If I Could Fly' on Tuesday 2 August at Arundel Wetland Centre. Jill is an award-winning writer for young teens. Her first book, 'Deeper Than Blue', won the 1066 Schools' Book Award in 2008 and was shortlisted for the Bolton Children's Book Award and the Spellbinding Award in Cumbria in the same year. Her second novel, 'Last Kiss of the Butterfly,' was nominated for the Southern Schools' Book Award.

Jill will speak about her new book, 'If I Could Fly', which was published in January this year. With strong themes of friendship, survival and flight from danger, it has been nominated for two national awards - the Waterstone's Children's Book Award and the People's Book Prize. Rich in bird imagery and dreams of flying away, it's a story told by 13 year old free-runner Calypso Summer, who is on the run from an incident, but her brain has blocked out the memory. With the help of a new friend, Alfie, she finds the courage to remember. But Alfie knows a secret about her situation that will change Caly's life forever.  Will she ever be able to return home to her mother, Little Bird, and face the challenges of her past?

Jill will talk about 'If I Could Fly' and read from the book at 1.30 pm and 3.30 pm. A book signing will follow the readings.

Visit and Facebook for more information about Jill.

This event is part of 'Duck and Swan week' during the summer long 'Feathers, Fur and Flight' event at Arundel Wetland Centre.

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