Swallows and other migrants

Image- Avocet from Discovery Hide (MJM).

A number of early migrant birds have been noted over the weekend, following Willow Warbler last Thursday 21 March, another was seen and heard 23/24 March, our first Swallow of the year appeared on Friday 22 March, it or another seen on Saturday and again today. A flock of 100 Sand Martin seen on Friday with c45 today. A White Wagtail was seen on 23 March with two today, a male Wheatear was at Middle Point this afternoon.

Estuary Tower

Little Stint, 10 Dunlin, 2 Ringed Plover, 8 Lapwing, 4 Redshank, 9 GBB Gull, 5 Sand Martin, 178 Russian White-fronted Geese+ Barnacle, 31 Meadow Pipit on Dumbles, 2 Siskin NW, Blackcap and Chiffchaff singing along hedge, this afternoon a male Wheatear at Middle Point on the fence and wall, Little Stint alone on saltmarsh pools and 233 Russian White-fronted Geese + the Barnacle Goose, a few pre-migration flights to NE noted.

Tack Piece

The two Ringed Plover moved to the Tack Piece, feeding along the shore shore of central flood, the adult Spoonbill also appeared here this afternoon. 38 Shoveler, 3 Redshank, 55 Wigeon, 13 Barnacle, 3 L. Egret, 1 Ruff, 7 Pintail, Pochard, 33 Teal, Cormorant.

South Lake

104 Avocet, singing Blackcap, 35 Shoveler, 160 Black-headed Gull, 6 Herring Gulls and Yellow-legged Gull, 200 Black-tailed Godwit, 4 Oystercatcher, 6 Common Gull.

Rushy Hide/Peng Observatory

Spotted Redshank, 2 Redshank, 3 Black-tailed Godwit on lower pond, 18 Teal, 4 Avocet, Swallow feeding over mid-morning.

Top New Piece from Zeiss Hide

Little Stint and single Dunlin visited the island, a juvenile Crane, 9 Lapwing, 30 Teal, 17 Wigeon, 10 Shoveler, singing Reed Bunting.

Kingfisher Hide

Male and female Kingfisher outside the nest hole and seen mating + two at far end of channel in pursuit flight, also 4 Lapwing on the Bottom New Piece.

Bottom New Piece

31 Teal, 4 Lapwing, 2 Redshank, 2 Roe Deer and a pair of Cranes.


Brambling with a couple of Chaffinch in North American pen/Matrix + singing Willow Warbler and Treeceeper, the Brambling moved to the Loopway near Hogarth Hide bridge.

Decoy Wood

Blackcap singing


25+ Chiffchaff singing around the hides, Decoy- 2 Grey Heron. Knott Hide- Little Grebe. Canoe Trail- Marsh Harrier hunting. Loopway- singing Blackcap. Matrix/Grounds- 3 Siskin.

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