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Swan of the day: X4H 'Sigrun'

If there is one swan that you want to look out for it is Sigrun, ring number X4H.

Sigrun was first ringed at Martin Mere in December 2002 making him the oldest known swan that is currently visiting Martin Mere. He was an adult in 2002 making him at least 12 years old and he has visited Martin Mere every year.

In his lifetime he has done at least 24 migrations travelling over 19,000 miles which is a fantastic achievement.

This year, he arrived on 30 October with an unringed female and 3 cygnets, so you need to look out for a family of 5 on the Mere.

Sigrun was also one of the swans that took part in the 'Super Whooper' scheme three years ago and he was fitted with a satellite transmitter on his back so that we could track his migration route to Iceland. He is a fantastic bird and one to look out for every year.

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