Take part in Sport Relief
Martin Mere is a location for the Sainsbury's Sport Relief fun run on Sunday 25 March. You can do either a 1, 3 or 6 mile run on the day to raise money for Comic Relief. The run itself is going to start on the community reedbed walk and come back around the back of the walk so that it is a circular loop.
We were contacted by Comic Relief to see if we would be a location and we thought that it would be a nice thing to do in the local community. I won't be takingpart myself but I will certainly be there to cheer everyone on.
In other news, it was a lovely afternoon with Philippa James but I don'think I impressed anyone with my cooking skills - the picture is the dish I made which was a parma ham salad with a beetroot dressing. BBC Radio Lancashire were here interviewing people and they also seemed to enjoy the afternoon.