Tasty treat planned to cheer poorly otter

We can all remember how special our parents would make us feel when we were feeling poorly.

They would make us our favourite foods and do anything to put a smile on our faces.

So when one of John Crooks’ beloved otters at Slimbridge Wetland Centre had to have four teeth removed in a two hour operation he set about thinking what would make her happy.

As a keen cook John’s thoughts turned to his kitchen and since then he has been planning a trout blancmange to serve up to Flo on Sunday to help her truly back on the mend.

This Sunday is also the birthday of her twin pups Minnie and Ha ha who are turning two.

They will be given a prawn jelly and toys to play with at the public talk.

John, said: “The blancmange should be pretty tasty for an otter…I’m thinking eat your heart out Heston Blumenthal! I've added calcium supplement and multivitamins to the trout and gelatine mixture to make it really healthy.

“Flo had incurred problems with her teeth before she came to Slimbridge but I noticed recently she wasn’t eating properly so after an inspection our vet made the decision to take her canines out.

“She is recovering really well. I’m introducing her back into the area tomorrow (Friday) and by Sunday her mouth should be a bit less tender.

“It will be a double celebration as our two youngest turn two and I’m planning treats for them too, although the greatest gift will be having their mum back.

“People always talk about the terrible twos but this pair are mischievous enough so I’m hoping their behaviour doesn’t change too much!

“They have grown up here at Slimbridge and our visitors have loved coming back to see how they are doing.

“Over the two years they have become more independent of their mother Flo but they still enjoy winding up their older sister Mo!”

The otters, who arrived at Slimbridge Wetland Centre as cubs in the summer of 2009 are firm favourites with visitors here.

John who is a keen cook is his spare time, has made the otters a fish cake and special fish layered lollies before.

Older sister Mo has previously hit the headlines for her unusual penchant for climbing trees which keeper John put down to wanting a bit of peace and quiet from her younger sisters.

Come along to see the otters getting their treats on Sunday at the talk at 3pm.

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