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Temminck's Return

After an absence of two days the juvenile Temminck's Stint returned to feeding on Vinson's Marsh late morning. There are a few pools on the reserve which can't be seen, so it's possible the bird had been lying low there.

The day started off with some light misty rain before a front moved through, after which the local raptors made themselves busy. At least 4 Marsh Harrier inc 2 male, ringtail Hen Harrier, Peregrine, 4 Buzzard, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk.

Snipe beware. Marsh Harrier hunting around the Mere

Again ~25 Pink-footed Geese dropped in late afternoon.

Apart from the Temminck's Stint, 500+ Lapwing, 30+ Snipe, 20+ Ruff, 10+ Black-tailed Godwit, Dunlin and Oystercatcher.

Five Yellow Wagtail flew in late afternoon with Pied Wagtails in front of the Ron Barker Hide.

See previous days for a fuller picture.

Lapwing settling back down after a Peregrine incursion

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