Temminck's Stint and other birds

Temminck's Stint still present til 4.30pm at least.

Temminck's Stint (Tony Disley)

A Black Tern flew in 11.20am and was still present on Woodend Marsh 4.30pm at least.

Great to see at least one male Ruff in full breeding plumage hanging around.

Ruff in breeding plumage. Martin Mere is one of the best places in the UK for Ruff.

Other waders include 4 Little Ringed Plover, 30+ Avocet including chicks, 30+ Lapwing, 4 Oystercatcher, 6+ Redshank.

Bittern showed from the Outer Reed Bed Walk this morning. Cuckoos present in this area and backing onto the grounds near the Canoe Safari.

Banded Demoiselle, Broad-bodied Chaser and Four-spotted Chaser on the wing today.


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