The Fog

Fog has been hampering viewing this morning but eventually lifted and at one point the Mere was bathed in glorious sunshine and birds could be seen. Not many reports today but the usual suspects could be seen once the fog cleared, a Peregrine was seen over the Mere and then over Ron Barker area, also at least 1 Marsh Harrier was out hunting.

Male Goldeneye close in front of the Discovery Hide this morning, good numbers of Ruff and c30 Black-tailed Godwit around. Still a few Little Egrets around the reserve, there could well be a Bittern back in the reed bed area with a few reports of Bitterns back on wintering sites locally.

A Stoat was seen by a few people in front of Ron Barker Hide

Good numbers of Fieldfare along Curlew Lane this morning with the odd Redwing and several Corn Bunting.

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