The next storm

It was a rather windy start this morning with rain moving in too.

Robbie Garnett Hide

Several hundred Wigeon and Teal plus Pintail and Shoveler. At least 5 Redshank amongst the duck and 52 Curlew feeding near the Wigeon.

South Lake Hides

78 Pochard, 55 Tufted Duck, 94 Shoveler, 197 Teal, 11 Cormorant, 43 Herring Gull, 350+ Lapwing, 2 Dunlin, 9 Black-tailed Godwit.

Rushy Hide

81 Bewick's Swans on the Rushy this morning, most now on Tack Piece hunkered down against the wind. Also count of 133 Shelduck for this morning's feed

Zeiss Hide

Peregrine trying to hunt but struggling in wind flushing 1219 Wigeon, 88 Pintail, 400+ Teal, 8 Ruff, 500+ Lapwing, 600+ Golden Plover. Also 46 Snipe on islands

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