The safety inspection... five days to go
I can breathe a sigh of relief this morning as the safety insepctor from the Council has been out to inspect the canoe safari and all the associated paper work and I am pleased to say everything is fine and we can open on Monday!
There is still lots of activity happening - the materials for den buidling has started to arrive, we are getting all the interpretation to print, the cladding is being done on the kiosk - although I am a little worried about the short time span we have to do the internal fitting in the kiosk and I may be working late one night to do all of the painting. The men I work with have been fantastic - John, Graham, Dan, Russel, Kristian, Alan, Matthew and Martin have all been great and put in the hours to help get the attraction open.
In other news, we have electricty to the kiosk and canoe barn and the swinging elements of the new play area are being fitted today.
I will put a picture on here of the canoe safari team we have hired later today.
Pete Bullen, Maintenance Manager