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This summer WWT Wetland Centres offer wild, watery adventure for families

Families can take part in a variety of wild, watery adventures this school summer holidays at events being held at our nine wetland centres across the UK.

Families can take part in a variety of wild, watery adventures this school summer holidays at events being held at our nine wetland centres across the UK.

Six of our centres are holding Wetland Explorers events where families can take part in a series of intrepid challenges near and on water, by heading to our Explorer HQs and picking up a free log book.These activities may include:

  • Wetland wildlife tracking
  • Canoe and boat safaris
  • Pond dipping
  • Bug hunts amongst our wetlands
  • Fire lighting
  • Den building
  • Swamp survival
  • Wetland bushcraft
  • Scavenger hunts
  • Wild, wet play
  • And lots more……..

Children can use their log books to help them on their expedition and stamp it with special wetland explorer stamps as a take-home reminder of their wild day out.The Wetland Explorer experience is included in the price of centre admission or free to WWT members.

Activities vary between centres, click on for details.

As well as Wetland Explorers, during the summer holidays our amazing giant LEGO® brick animal trail is back at Arundel Wetland Centre, Sussex, with brand new models and a free brick book, Giant Bionic Bugs are buzzing in to Martin Mere Wetland Centre, Lancashire and Slimbridge Wetland Centre, Gloucestershire, is celebrating the opening of its new Arctic Adventure exhibit by holding Global Adventurers.

For a full range of summer holiday activities at your nearest WWT Wetland Centre click here:

Scott Petrek, WWT Reserve Warden said:

“Wetlands are amazing, they are where land meets water and provide a beautiful, exciting habitat full of wildlife to explore and enjoy.Come and visit some of the best examples of wetlands in the UK at our centres and have unforgettable adventures with our range of exciting summer events.Hopefully, we’ll also inspire some of our younger visitors to care for wetlands and help protect them in the future.”

We have nine WWT Wetland Centres across the UK at Arundel (Hampshire), Caerlaverock (nr Dumfries, Scotland), Castle Espie (County Down, Northern Ireland), Llanelli (Carmarthenshire, Wales), London (at Barnes), Martin Mere (Lancashire), Slimbridge (Gloucestershire), Washington (Tyne & Wear) and Welney (Norfolk).

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