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Three Wood Sandpipers

The 3 Wood Sandpipers present yesterday remained on Woodend Marsh today, along with 2 male Garganey (another probably different bird was on Vinson's Marsh this morning).

A pair of Bullfinches was next to the path near the United Utilities hide.

2 pairs of Mediterranean Gulls around the reserve today, as well as 2 pairs of Little Ringed Plovers.

Warblers have been very active, with Grasshopper, Reed, Sedge and Cetti's all singing in the reedbed area, and Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, and Blackcap scattered around all suitable habitat.

The Cuckoo has also been seen regularly, spending time in the trees along the edge of the collection area and flying down into the reedbed (presumably on the look-out for Reed Warbler nests).

Lots of hirundines, particularly in the morning with good numbers of Swallow, House Martin and Sand Martin over the Mere. 3 or 4 Swifts were also seen today.


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