Today's bird sightings

Redshank, Spotted Redshank and Greenshank
Redshank, Spotted Redshank and Greenshank

British Steel hide

12 greenshank, 22 black tailed godwit, 17 redshank, 4 dunlin, 19 little egret, 14 cormorant, little grebe, 6 tufted duck, buzzard and peregrine.


Spotted redshank, 6 greenshank, 2 redshank, 160 black tailed godwit and 90 knot.

Heron hide / Peter Scott hide (Deep Lake)

2 snipe, 13 lapwing, 2 water rail, 2 grey heron, 2 cetti’s warbler, 2 great spotted woodpecker, 3 little grebe, 14 tufted duck, 4 pochard, 8 shoveler, 8 mistle thrush and redwing.

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