Today's highlights

Common Shelduck taken by Joe Connolly (Archive Picture)
Common Shelduck taken by Joe Connolly (Archive Picture)

The 1100am and 2pm Land rover safaris produced Marsh Harrier, 100+ Curlew, 60+ Shelduck, Oystercatcher, 3 pairs of Common Tern, Sand Martins,

Zeiss Hide

2 Greenshank, 2+ Redshank, 48 Lapwing, 5+ Avocet, 3 broods of Shoveler.

South Lake

Ruff, 106 Black-tailed godwit, 30 Redshank, Oystercatcher. 2 Green Sandpiper and 3

Rushy Pen

Spoonbill circled and flew over today.
Green Sandpiper 8
Avocet 3

Tack Piece

Little-ringed Plover and 8 Green Sandpiper.

Car Park

Red Kite circled low and drifted off NW at 4.35pm


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