Today's sightings


Avocet showing well in front of the Discovery Hide (Archive Picture)
Avocet showing well in front of the Discovery Hide (Archive Picture)

Rushy Pen

Still a very busy place, breeding birds galore. The Crane pair are still incubating eggs, a few more pairs of Black-headed Gull are settling down to nest but on the top pond. We did lose a few Avocet nests in the week due to flooding, the torrential rain over a 48 hour period was just too much. Despite desperately trying to get levels down it wasn't possible to save three of the nests. Despite this re laying is underway and we have over 50 birds on site. The Oystercatcher pair are still incubating and it is a great place to see many of the common wildfowl or the reserve.

Tack Piece-Robbie Garnett Hide

A couple of male Shoveler, Gadwall, Avocets and a Lapwing. The scrape level has begun to drop after the rain of last week.

Martin Smith Hide

The family of Mute Swans from the Holden Tower have walked their five young to this pool.

Willow/Knott Hides

A singing Willow Warbler was the first heard for about ten days, the passage birds had all gone through so this one is late or may set up a territory here which is unusual these days. The reeds and willows are busy with Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Reed and Sedge Warblers. Robins have fledged young and Long-tailed Tits have a large family of juveniles in tow, these are the first of 2016.

South Lake

The Black-tailed Godwit flock numbers 36, a few pairs of Avocet and small numbers Gadwall, Shelduck and Tufted Duck are easily seen. The Black-headed Gull colony is well established.

Zeiss Hide- Top New Piece

Ten Avocet, a Black-tailed Godwit, 5 Greenshank and 2 Redshank grace the flood, we have dropped levels down a bit. The Great Black-backed Gulls are nesting on the North island and a pair of Oystercatcher look settled on the south island. Lapwing appear to be defending young in the grass.

Three GCP Cranes have been present today.

Bottom New Piece- View from Zeiss Hide or Kingfisher Hide

A Red Knot in breeding plumage, 3 Dunlin and at least 3 Redshank on the flood.


Slow today, only a Yellow Wagtail over N.

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