Today's sightings

Male Gadwall at Slimbridge taken by James Lees (Archive Picture)
Male Gadwall at Slimbridge taken by James Lees (Archive Picture)

Holden Tower


Red Kite circling at 0810hrs before drifting off, the female Marsh Harrier is still roosting in the tall grass pasture so can be hidden for periods. It was flying about at 0935hrs. Skylarks are everywhere out here and three pairs of Meadow Pipit are displaying and on territory. Look out for them on fences and tidal driftwood. The saltmarsh shelf roost over high tide held 70 Curlew, 70 Shelduck and a variety of gulls including 15 Great Black-backed, a Common and two Yellow-legged Gulls (3rd summer and adult).

A female Wigeon and Little Grebe family are on the pool to the E of the hide.

Tack Piece (Robbie Garnett Hide)

14 Green Sandpiper and 4 Lapwing

Martin Smith Hide

Little Egret 1

South Lake

Black-tailed Godwit 30+
Avocet 32 (3 pairs nesting still), brood of 3, 1 and 1 on view.
Lapwing- female and half grown chick from Hogarth Hide.
Black-headed Gull- juveniles are now dispersing but still 200+ birds on the lake, some pairs displaying.
Gadwall- 30+, many now in wing moult most in eclipse plumage.
Mallard- three broods
Shelduck- two broods
Great Crested Grebe pair have young, look out for the striped chicks riding on parents back.

Top New Piece (Zeiss Hide)

Displaying Sedge Warbler, singing Reed Bunting and Reed Warblers feeding young. On the flood were 10 Avocet, 31 Redshank, the Reeve, 30+ Black-tailed Godwit, 60 Lapwing, 30 Teal (keep a look out for the Garganey). Broods of Gadwall, Little Grebe and Coot on the deep scrape. Swifts and Sand Martin are feeding over the fields.

South Finger settling pool

Little Grebe and Tufted Duck brood.

Rushy Pen

Two pairs of Avocet, one with single chick.

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