Today's sightings

Its a wet day in the drizzle with a few bursts of heavier rain, but there birds don't seem to mind.  Warbler activity is notably lower but you won't struggle to hear a Cetti's Warbler on the South Finger or see a Chiffchaff or Willow Warbler anywhere in the grounds.  There are also lots of hirundines (swallows and martins) feeding low over the fields today as the weather makes feeding a little harder.

Unfortunately today's Land Rover Safaris have been rained off, but there'll be more running over the next few weeks so if you're visiting why not book yourself a place?  The Safari takes you out on the reserve to the places you can't see from the hides.  On yesterday's Safari we watched of a pair of Common Tern mobbing a Marsh Harrier, saw several Little Egrets, Green Sandpipers and a couple of Mandarin.  To top it all the group also had great views of a Grass Snake.  Find out more about the Safaris here.

** Red Kite flew over at 14:45, mobbed by corvids **

This morning's hides round up produced:

South Lake Hide
Redshank 24
Ruff 4
Teal 54
Lapwing 176
Black-tailed Godwit 104
Dunlin 1
Shoveler 8
Shelduck 3
Lots of ducks including Tufted Duck, Teal, Shoveler and Mallard.

Zeiss Hide
Lapwing 10
Black-tailed Godwit 4
Shoveler 17
Avocet 6
Curlew 1
Reed Warbler 3
Yellow Wagtail 1
Cetti's Warbler 1
Little Egret 1

Kingfisher Hide
Crane 5
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1
Little Grebe 1

Robbie Garnett Hide
Greenshank 3 (2 flew towards Rushy Pen)
Green Sandpiper 1
Dunlin 30 (flock flew in, circled and back out to estuary)
Lapwing 5
Whitethroat 1

Holden Tower
Little Egret 3
Common Sandpiper 1
Green Sandpiper 2
Snipe 2
Dunlin 8
Yellow Wagtail 2
Shelduck 18

Rushy Pen
Snipe 6
Green Sandpiper 3
Lapwing 8
Several Teal, Shoveler and Gadwall on the ponds and islands

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