Today's sightings

Another wet and very windy start to the day but no signs of birds being blown off course and up the river.  A Garganey was amongst the Teal and Shoveler on Top New Piece, as seen from Zeiss Hide.  Lots of hirdundines (Swallows, Sand Martin and House Martin) were feeding along the banks as the tide forced insects to take wing, although the birds were being also being blown around.  They were joined by several Yellow Wagtails trying to make the most of the 'easy' meal.

Today's highlights and updates:
* Black Tern (2 juveniles) on South Lake from 4pm onwards
* Turnstone
from Zeiss Hide this afternoon
* Garganey from Zeiss Hide this morning with Teal and Shoveler
* Mediterranean Gull back in the grounds, check Swan Lake and the Eider Pen



This morning's hides rounds produced:

Rushy Pen
Green Sandpiper 3
Greenshank 1
Snipe 12
Common Sandpiper 1
Crane 2
Lapwing 5
Ruff 1

Robbie Garnett Hide
Green Sandpiper 2
Shelduck 2
Greenshank 4

Martin Smith Hide
Little Egret 1
Kingfisher 1

Holden Tower
Crane 3
Shelduck 70
Curlew 25
Great Black-backed Gull 18
Little Egret 2
Yellow Wagtail 14
Dunlin 10
Ringed Plover 15

Knott Hide
Little Egret 1
Green Sandpiper 2
Greenshank 1

South Lake Hide
Crane 1
Sand Martin 38
Black-tailed Godwit 112
Green Sandpiper 1
Ruff 4
Redshank 26
Cetti's Warbler 1
Lapwing 37

Zeiss Hide
Garganey 1
Shoveler 34
Shelduck 4
Avocet 6
Black-tailed Godwit 2
Greenshank 2
Curlew 1
Lapwing 9

Willow Hide
Lesser Whitethroat 1
Garden Warbler 1
Cetti's Warbler 1

A Little Grebe was feeding in the Canoe Safari area, viewed from the platform.

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