Todays Sightings

Generally a little quiet with north winds and clear skies allowing migrants to move through.

Zeiss Hide

Over 700 Teal here this morning and an impressive 460 Wigeon. There were 12 Ruff and 2 Redshank among 250 Lapwing. A big flush may have been the Goshawk that was seen earlier in the week but no sightings were reported.

South Lake

Increasingly busy through the day. 10 Cranes including the unringed Slimbridge chick from 2015 spent most of the afternoon just a few meters from the hide. The Black Tailed Godwit Flock (168) were feeding even closer. The habit of Knot coming in after high tide continued with at least 7 today. Counts of 21 Reshank and 11 Ruff were made and a couple of Snipe were seen distantly. The Shoveler flock had built to 131 by the afternoon  which is a high count for the site.

Holden Tower

The Dumbles was dominated by Geese again with 278 Greylag, 160 Barnacles and the 4 European Whitefronted Geese. A handfull of Chiffchaffs 2 Blackcap a couple of Bullfinches and a singing Cettis were along the walkway.


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