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Today's sightings

This morning has started a little cooler, but temperatures will no doubt pick up as the day goes on.  The Wood Sandpiper remains on the Tack Piece but there is little sign of other wader movement apart from a colour ringed Avocet on the Top New Piece which could be part of an arrival yesterday when 15 appeared here.  The hedgerows are starting to get busy though with lots of Chiffchaff calling around the reserve, but great views from the Holden Tower as they arrive in the copse and work out which way to go.  Look out for Whitethroat, Lesser Whitethroat, Blackcap and Garden Warbler too.

Lesser Whitethroat (c) Roger Byng

South Lake Hides

The flock of Black-tailed Godwit remain along with 14 Ruff, 24 Redshank, a single Dunlin and 2 Green Sandpiper.  A few Lapwing can also be seen here along with 2 Snipe.  A Little Egret was roosting on the scrape amongst the Greylag flock, and 2 Grey Heron were also seen.  Lots of duck were on the causeway loafing next to the deep lake including Gadwall, Shoveler, Mallard, Teal and Tufted Duck but nearly all are in eclipse plumage making more of an identification challenge.

Zeiss Hide

Three Ruff were patrolling the shoreline looking for breakfast whilst out roosting in the water were 12 Avocet, with another 3 feeding.  One of these birds is colour ringed, so we await to hear details.  A flock of 112 Lapwing were  spread across the field with another 34 over the fence on the Bottom New Piece.  Two Stock Dove were also seen.

Robbie Garnett Hide

The Wood Sandpiper was busy feeding in the company of a few Teal but otherwise the Tack Piece was rather quiet.  A flock of 70 Barnacle Geese were loafing near the Stephen Kirk Hide.  A Yellow Wagtail flew over.

Rushy Hide

At least 10 Green Sandpiper were counted this morning spread across the lower pond along with 8 Avocet and 5 Black-tailed Godwit.

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