Today's sightings

A couple of new arrivals this morning with the Wigeon flock on the Top New Piece now up to 18 birds.  Also new here were at least 2 juvenile Spotted Redshank.  Three juveniles were flushed by a hunting Peregrine this morning, but this may include the one bird that has been here for a week or more.

Snipe (c) S Petrek

Zeiss Hide

At least 2 juvenile Garganey were with the Teal flock which itself numbered 683.  Also here were 3 Black-tailed Godwit, and adult Ruff, 3 Avocet and 6 Shoveler.  The Wigeon flock were on the pool in front of the Van de Bovenkamp Hide, at least 3 Yellow Wagtail were with the cattle and a Cetti's Warbler was singing from the reedbed.

South Lake Hides

Waders on the scrape included 17 adult Ruff and 1 juvenile, 6 Snipe, a Green Sandpiper, 82 Black-tailed Godwit, 31 Redshank and 44 Lapwing.  Also on the back of the scrape were 15 Pied Wagtail along with 1 White Wagtail.  Three Pochard were hidden amongst the Tufted Duck on the deep lake, and the juvenile Great Crested Grebe was begging the adult for food.

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