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Today's Sightings

A lovely day, coolish breeze in the hides, warm in the sun. Plenty of breeding activity in full swing with many birds fledging young and other on a second go. If you spend a little time looking you will come across adults feeding birds that have recently left the nest including Greenfinch (below), Chaffinch, Goldfinch, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Robin, Dunnock, Wren, Blackbird and Song Thrush

On the Reed Bed Sedge and Reed Warbler are active. At least 2 Cuckoo present with one bird calling. Reed Bunting are still singing on territories (featured image - Andy Bunting).

Pair of Bullfinch between the in focus shop and viewing blinds on the Nature Trail.

A surprise encounter with a Mole this morning as it ran across the path along the nature trail.

The Common Tern are actively feeding chicks on the Mere. One or two Avocet chicks can be seen out on Woodend Marsh. At least one adult Med Gull there this morning.

Swift and House Martin feeding around the reserve as well as the breeding Swallow.

Recently rare on site, two male House Sparrow were collecting insects in the over flow car par this morning, presumably to feed young in the houses opposite the reserve.

Plenty of insect life to be seen including this migrant Painted Lady Butterfly.

If you are visiting the reserve and want to know what's been seen and were to see it, call in at the in focus shop, next to the Discovery Hide. Any sightings are also gratefully received at in focus too!

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