Today's sightings (increase in lapwing)

British Steel hide

929 lapwing, 1225 dunlin, 11 greenshank, grey plover, 500 black tailed godwit, 3 bar tailed godwit, 391 knot, 45 redshank, 350 curlew, 7 snipe, 2 little grebe, 118 wigeon, 3 tufted duck, 6 shoveler, 10 shelduck and 11 little egret.


Spotted redshank, 4 greenshank, 3 black tailed godwit, 2 pochard, 14 tufted duck, 2 pintail, 3 shoveler, 40 shelduck, 13 teal, 12 gadwall and grey heron.

Millennium Wetlands

Snipe, 221 pintail, 24 tufted duck, 10 teal, 31 shoveler, 114 gadwall, 4 little grebe, 6 water rail, grey heron, 3 chiffchaff, 3 goldcrest, 3 cetti's warbler, treecreeper, 2 great spotted woodpecker and 2 sparrowhawk.

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