Today's sightings- New in...Bonaparte's Gull

Bonaparte's Gull news
A breeding plumage adult was present on the Rushy at 0755-0805. This dainty gull flushed with the Black-headed Gull flock a few times and eventually headed off toward South Lake where it was relocated among the roosting birds. It had flown off again at 0918 heading south but returned later in the morning. These sojourns are likely to be feeding forays following tractors or feeding in the fields. This is the third Gloucestershire record and second recorded at WWT Slimbridge. The previous record was a non-breeding plumaged bird present on 10 September 2006.

Bonaparte's Gull, Rushy. Image by Martin J McGill

Bonaparte's Gull, MJMcGill

Martin Smith hide

Crane pair at the nest
Spoonbill adult

Holden Tower

Avocets- appears to be 5 sitting birds and one brood of four have hatched.
Lapwing pair nest scraping
Oystercatcher pair
Wheatear-female on Middle Point fence
Common Sandpiper 1

South Lake

Garganey-drake was present early but relocated to the Top New Piece
Common Sandpiper 2
Black-tailed Godwit 33
Little Gull-1st summer
Mediterranean Gull 1st summer
Crane 2 (GCP)

Zeiss Hide/Top New Piece

Teal 8
Greenshank 1
Kingfisher- hunting from dead wood in ditch
Tufted Duck- 22


Little-ringed Plover 1 briefly

Tack Piece

Green Sandpiper 1
Wigeon 1


Whitethroat singing

Estuary on the tide

Bar-tailed Godwit 46
Grey Plover 2 one in breeding plumage
Dunlin 64
Ringed Plover 69
Sanderling 7
Greenshank 1
Whimbrel 1
Swift - passage birds moving N
Little-ringed Plover heading S
Yellow Wagtail 1 S then N



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