Today's wildlife sightings (first bittern of winter)

Millennium Wetlands

The first bittern of the winter was seen flying over the Deep Lake late morning.

Other counts include; 2 kingfisher, 13 water rail, 5 shoveler, 20 pintail, 10 tufted duck, 6 little grebe, 2 grey heron, 5 cetti’s warbler and 2 chiffchaff.

2 late common darters were laying eggs around the bittern reedbed.

British Steel hide / estuary

A great white egret was feeding in front of the British Steel hide early morning, and a marsh harrier and a merlin were hunting over the saltmarsh late morning.

Other counts include; peregrine, sparrowhawk, water rail, snipe, 5 spotted redshank, 22 greenshank, 658 black tailed godwit, bar tailed godwit, 300 redshank, 415 curlew, 66 dunlin, 65 knot, 95 lapwing, 15 little egret, 2 grey heron, little grebe, 5 shoveler, 185 wigeon 23 teal, shelduck, kingfisher and great crested grebe.


30 teal, 19 shoveler, 10 tufted duck, 5 pochard, 23 shelduck and grey heron.

Great White Egret

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