Track Caerlaverock's barnacle geese north

It has been a busy winter season at WWT Caerlaverock Wetland Centre for both birds and visitors.After the big thaw, the heavy rains flooded the fields making ideal conditions for lapwings with over 600 counted with 172 curlews.

On the high tides numbers of dunlin and knot topped 3-4,000 often being chased by peregrines. And up to three hen harriers and a merlin were also seen hunting the merses.

Goose viewing has been excellent with huge flocks of barnacles with the Ross’s goose showing on and off and a green-winged teal was seen on the Folly pond at the beginning of March.

An otter put in a special appearance at the new Sir Peter Scott Centenary Walk opening event as the visitors watched the 2pm swan feed.

In early March, 36 barnacle geese were caught by cannon net and four were fitted with GPS satellite tags.

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