Three drake Garganey

Two drake Garganey this morning on Sunley's Marsh were joined by the third bird in the afternoon.

Wood Sandpiper on Woodend and briefly on the Mere. Also 6 Dunlin, 10 Ruff, 70 Avocet, 2 Redshank, Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Little Ringed Plover and Ringed Plover. Six Whimbrel flew out from the reserve early on. Two Common Sandpiper on the Mere, also 2 Little Ringed Plover there.

Cuckoo calling along the perimeter fence at the back of the Canoe Safari.

Pair of Med Gull roving around the site this morning, vocal.

Two Common Tern on Woodend.

Fly past Kingfisher from the UU Hide.

Male Stonechat to the right of Sunley's Marsh.

Corn Bunting (3) on Langley's Fields, also at least one Wheatear there.

Overview of recent reserve news and WEBS count (below)

Just off the reserve today, on Curlew Lane, Yellow Wagtail.

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