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Two Short Eared Owls


Snipe 1
Ruff 4
Little Ringed Plover 2
Green Sandpiper 2
Wood Sandpiper 1
Avocet 6
Black tailed Godwit 9
Heron 1
Lapwing 5
Teal 7
Grey Wagtail 1

Tack Piece

Avocet 2
Teal 9
Black Tailed Godwit 1
Greylag 83
Hybrid Wigeon 1

Holden Tower

Two Short Eared Owl were seen to the south around the cross fence. Peregrine 1 distantly and 5 Yellow Wagtails among the cattle, a Marsh Harrier flew by and the rain brought down lots of Swallows. Best of all in the bushes in front of the tower there was Lesser Whitethroat, Garden Warbler, Blackcap and a single Chiffchaff

South Lake

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Fantastic close views of Black Tailed Godwits including many juveniles, there were 145 in total with 15 Ruff and 19 Redshank among them and a Snipe to the south. No sign of the Cranes yet but keep a close watch here as they are likely to fledge any day now. The young Great Crested Grebe was on the lake and a flock of 80 Sand Martins dropped in during a rain shower.

Zeiss Hide

A flock of over 140 Lapwings looked great among the Longhorn heard. There were 3 Ruff among them and a couple of snipe around the edges of the scrape. Teal counts continue to creep upwards, 156 today and 4 Avocet

RARE BIRD ALERT a calling Nuthatch in the Spinney behind the hide.

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