Updates to sightings page
I wanted to let you kow that you can now report your sightings at Martin Mere by visiting http://www.wwt.org.uk/visit-us/martin-mere/latest-sightings/ and logging public sightings, including an image if you want to. You can also use Twitter by starting your tweet with: @wwtmartinmere #sighting.
I am pleased to say that the reserve list in 2011 totalled 156, which is 5 species up from 2010 so I am keeping my fingers crossed that we can maintain this trend in 2012 and hopefully have over 160 bird species listed.
In other news, I am busy working on budgets at the moment as they need to be finalised for mid-January so I wont really have much time to focus on anything else, but our new Office Manager that is maternity cover, has officially started today so I will also be spending a lot of time with her to ensure everything is working the way I want it to be. I will ask Lucy to write a couple of paragraphs about herself to introduce her to you all as the person answering the phone most of the time.