Visitors see red at Slimbridge

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A Redstart taken in April 2012 by James Lees

It is a flash of colour which signals summer is on its way.

The Common redstart is one of many migrants passing through the South West on their journey north to summer breeding grounds in the UK.

This picture was taken by WWT Slimbridge Wetland Centre warden James Lees on the summer walkway.


He said: “We open the walkway which goes through the reserve out to the Severn estuary every year once the weather improves and our winter wild birds have left.

“It is a great place to spot migrants like this stunning redstart as it has a hedgerow which is the last point up the estuary they tend to land on before they cross over and head north.

“The redstart spends its winters in Africa. It is very similar to a robin really but is only really seen in the UK between April and July.

“If you have never seen one now is your chance!”

Slimbridge Wetland Centre is open between 9.30am to 5.30pm

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