
Overcast, westerlies, misty rain? It can only mean one thing waderfest! Ok, getting carried away a little but a nice selection of waders have been seen today.

Lapwing - c200

Black-tailed Godwit - c200

Avocet - 22

Oystercatcher - 16

Little Ringed Plover - 6

Ringed Plover - 1

Ruff - 2

Green Sandpiper - 2

Common Sandpiper - 2

Redshank - 6

Common Snipe - 2

Little Stint (?) - 1

Little Stint is the most interesting of this bunch. Reported by a visiting birder, the bird was rather distant on Woodend Marsh seen from the Reed Bed Walk path. Tiny wader with dark legs, much smaller than near by Ringed Plover. Certainly an unusual record for July. All other candidates would be exceptionally rare.

More Tufted Duck with newly hatched chicks, this time on the pool near the Kingfisher Hide. Common Tern out on Woodend Marsh (see previous maps).

Barn Owl out hunting this morning. At least two pair of Little Grebe with chick(s) from the Harrier Hide. Kingfisher again from the Ron Barker hide, Whitethroat showing close by. At least 40 Tree Sparrow near the Kingfisher Hide.

Full house of the common hirundines with Swallow, House and Sand Martin present early on. Swifts flying low over the reserve in the misty rain.

A flock of 32 Long-tailed Tit along the Nature Trail Path.

Banded Demoiselle along the brook near the Sewage Works from the Red Bed Walk yesterday.

If you have seen anything or would like to know where you are in relations to this map, call in at the in focus shop next to the Discovery Hide.


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