Water rails and green woodpecker near Scrape hide


Water rail outside the Scrape hide in the Trumpeters pen. Pic: Romney Turner

Snapshot of recent sightings from around the reserves  by our wardens (common species like mallards,  greylag and Canadian geese and common garden birds are not listed here):

Sun 9 Dec

Ramsar hide: 31 snipe, 3 pochard

Reedbed hide : 2 little grebe

Arun Riverlife: 4 pochard

Scrape hide: 10 marsh harriers (roost)

Sand martin hide: brown long-eared bat (hibernating)


Sat 8 Dec

Ramsar hide: 33 teal, 12 tufted duck, 30 snipe, 9 shoveler, 1 lapwing, 1 reed bunting.

Scrape hide: water rail, 3 little grebe.


Fri 7 Dec

Scrape hide: 4 shelducks

Sand martin: 9 shelducks, 21 tuifted ducks, 4 pochard, 1 little egret, 7 teal.

Arun Riverlife: 4 pochard, 1 little egret, 1 cormorant

Ramsar hide: 14 teal, 1 little grebe.


Thurs 6 Dec

Arun Riverlife: 2 little grebes.

Car park: 2 chiffchaff

Sussex screen: two gadwall

Reedbed walk: 15+ long-tailed tits

Scrape hide (Trumpeter Pen): water rail, green woodpecker

Sand martin hide: 16 shelducks, 1 grey heron, 5 shoveler, 15 teal, 2 pochard.

Ramsar hide: 8 snipe

Another water rail, having a run in the Woodland Loop. Pic: Romney Turner

Wed 5 Dec

Arun Riverlife: 7 pochard, 1 little egret

Reedbed: 1 mistle thrush, 1 kingfisher

Scrape hide: 5 shoveler, 20 fieldfare

Ramsar hide: 3 pochard, 4 shoveler, 12 snipe, 1 little grebe, 3 reed buntings

Lapwing hide: 1 lapwing, 15 snipe


Tues 4 Dec

Scrape hide (Trumpeter Pen): water rail, little grebe

Arun Riverlife: 4 tfted ducks, 1 little egret

Wetlands Discovery (boats): kingfisher

Ramsar hide: 5 teal, 4 snipe

Lapwing hide: 1 grey heron

Sand martin hide: 10 shelduck, 32 teal, 9 pochard, 4 gadwall, 5 shoveler

Long path: great spotted woodpecker


Mon 2 Dec

Lapwing hide: 7 snipe

Ramsar hide: 15 snipe, 19 teal, 1 little grebe

Scrape hide: 11 teal, 1 kingfisher

Reedbed: great spotted woodpecker

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