W/E 25th April Summary

A cracking spring week, so sad not to have visitors to share it with.


Still hanging on,11 Wigeon, 3 Pintail and 170 Teal. At least 40 Shoveler and the female Goldeneye still present to 23rd at least.


At least 13 birds around the site some engaged in breeding.


The wild pair had been very quiet, after seeing no activity for much of the week, pleased to see them resume nest scraping on 22nd. A maximum of 10 noted on the Dumbles 21st with 20 seen at low tide.

Little-ringed Plover

Two pairs, one pair visiting a scrape in the protective cage nest on the South Lake and another pair nest- scraping on the Rushy.


Three nests on the Dumbles, two on the lower shelf which will flood again on May! Chicks hatched in the Top New Piece, at least three young with more nesting pairs due to hatch. Sitting birds on nests in 50 Acre and lots of activity in the 100 Acre but we haven’t been able to confirm numbers. Single male on South Lake.


A little bit of activity, no doubt put off by the cold wind. 9+ pairs on the reserve.

Black-tailed Godwits

Down to 87 birds by 21st.


Pairs now incubating on the Discovery Hide roof and probably the Decoy Hide roof. 13+ pairs on site


Still over 100 on site. The Dumbles scrape has been abandoned, no activity all week. Nests now in the Rushy with at least four sitting by 22nd, nests on the South Lake Discovery Causeway and large island at the N end of wader scrape (five nests).


The Kingfisher hide pair are now feeding tiny fish and lots of activity around the South Lake so presume they have hatched as well.

Spring Migrants and notable highlights

17 April- 1 Common Sandpiper.

18 April- 2 Willow Warbler singing, 2 Bar-tailed Godwit, 1 Whimbrel, 15 probable Arctic Tern, 3 Little Gulls all N.

19 April- 3 Willow Warbler singing

20 April- 2 Red Kite over N, one 1230pm and another 3.45pm. Siskin landed briefly then continued NE. 15+ singng Sedge Warbler.

21 April- 1 Hobby, 1 GW Egret, Ruff, 2 Yellow Wagtail N, 2 Willow Warbler singing.

22 April- 1 Sandwich Tern North, A second and third adult Little Gull had joined the long staying bird with 6 (5 adults, 1 and 1st winter) seen heading N up the river at lunchtime and a Great white Egret in the 100 Acre. Common Whitethroat singing SL. Common Tern on SL. Cuckoo heard in the grounds.

23 April- 11 Bar-tailed Godwit flew NE, 1 Grey Plover, 1 adult Little Gull still with 2 seen heading NE in the morning, 2 common Sandpiper on the Rushy Singing Common and Lesser Whitethroat in the car park.

24 April- Little Gull and 2 common Sandpiper on South Lake.


Lots of Swallow moving through NE on 18/19th with a steady trickle most days, House and Sand Martins also involved. Female Marsh Harrier about all week.

Other Wildlife

Stoat in canoe trail on 19th, Grass Snake car park on 21st. Lots of Orange tips and lots of Lady's Smock (food plant) through many of the fields. First Damselfly (a large red) on the 23rd.

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