We are back...

After a few computer problems we are back with some bird news!

It's looking fantastic at the moment but wrap up warm!

As of late the reserve is packed with ducks, geese and swans with new arrivals everyday. Over 1000+ Whooper Swan roosting on the reserve with 400+ coming in for the afternoon feed at 3pm. No specific counts of late but Pink-footed Geese numbers are around 8,000 with recent Greenland White-fronted Geese being in the flock. Big numbers of Teal and Wigeon with 3000+ of the former and 800+ of the later. Locally a drake Green-winged Teal has been seen on the Ribble.

One of 9 recent Marsh Harrier

Brilliant for raptors. We have had 9 different Marsh Harrier visiting the reserve with up to 7 seen on one day. Two juvenile Peregrine, a large female and a new small and pale male. Male Merlin present this week, 6+ Buzzard, 4 Kestrel and at least 2 Sparrowhawk. Barn Owl seen towards dusk.

Waders have included counts of 100+ Black-tailed Godwit, 101 Ruff, 700+ Lapwing, 20+ Snipe, 2 Golden Plover, Redshank, Oystercatcher and Dunlin.

The Starling roost has been very popular with impressive numbers coming into roost from 3.30pm.

Starling 'blurmuration' (picture by Andy Bunting)

Other sightings have included 4 Stonechat, Treecreeper, Great-spotted Woodpecker, 4 Goldcrest, 40+ Tree Sparrow, 30+ Stock Dove, 2 Kingfisher, 3 calling Cetti's Warbler.

Sightings of Roe Deer have been more frequent recently.

So far this November we have recorded 90 species on the reserve. If you would like to know whats about and where on the reserve or have any sightings to report, please call in at the in focus shop next to the Discovery Hide, thanks.


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