Wednesday News

We checked the Barn Owl boxes this week and three pair are nesting.

Top Mere – 3 chicks (about 5 days old) 1 chick (about 1 day old) 1 egg.

Long meadow – 2 large chicks (about 3 weeks old) 1 medium chick (2 weeks old)

Doehyles – 1 chick (1 day old) 5 eggs

This morning – 130 black-tailed godwits on woodend marsh

Cuckoo calling in the reedbed

5 Cetti’s warblers singing in the reedbed

On the Mere a Tufted Duck appeared with recently hatched chick (featured image).

At least one pair of Mediterranean Gull on the Mere this morning, roving around in the afternoon.

On Woodend Marsh 4 Curlew new in, joining Green and Common Sandpiper. Ringed and Little Ringed Plover there too. Also Marsh Harrier and Roe Deer.

Call in at the in focus shop, next to the Discovery Hide to report any sightings or to get the latest news as to what is being seen and where on site.

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