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Weekend Sightings

A substantial potato delivery onto Top Mere during the week has brought good numbers of Whooper Swan onto the Mere with smaller groups of Pink-footed Geese also dropping. The injured Tundra Bean Goose (below) is present mostly around the Mere loosely associating with feral Greylag and injured Pink-footed Geese.

Oystercatchers continue to arrive onto the site with around 20 birds present. We are pretty close to the first Avocet returning ~ 2nd week of February. Still good numbers of Lapwing (500+), 75 Ruff, 120+ Snipe (a good count), 10+ Black-tailed Godwit.

At least one moulting adult Med Gull mostly on the Mere.

Great White Egret flew through early afternoon.

Barn Owl hunting mid-afternoon

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