Weekend Sightings

Fairly benign weather conditions made for some pleasant birding over the weekend. The deep low in the North East Atlantic is blocking any major influxes of Pink-footed Geese at the moment although a recent count put numbers near 20,000. A very pale leucistic Pink-footed Goose was present today.

Pink-footed Geese leaving the roost.

Wildfowl numbers are rising with around 1200 Teal now present, small numbers of Wigeon, Pintail, Shoveler, Shelduck and Gadwall present.

Teal and Lapwing take flight

Great for raptors with 16 Common Buzzard on the reserve including one or two very pale birds.

Four Buzzards fence sitting

Four Marsh Harrier, 3 Kestrel and two Sparrowhawk. Both the Marsh Harriers and Buzzards are feeding on Pink-footed Geese carrion.

Marsh Harrier with Pink-footed Goose


Kestrels can show well (picture by Andy Bunting)

Great White Egret today. Skylarks on the move this morning. Goldcrest with tit flocks also Chiffchaffs. Little Gull came in with Black-headed Gull late afternoon yesterday. A Wood Warbler was seen and heard between the Crane Pen and the Janet Kear Hide.

Little Gull hiding

Fairly static on the wader front with 700+ Lapwing, 40+ Ruff, 15+ Black-tailed Godwit and 60+ Snipe. A Buff-breasted Sandpiper was seen close by at Banks on Saturday.



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