Weekend Sightings

A calm start to the weekend followed by very mild but windy conditions.

Plenty of raptor action as usual with 6+ Buzzard, 4+ Marsh Harrier, 2 Peregrine, 2 Sparrowhawk and 2 Kestrel. Tawny Owl roosting near the Kingfisher Hide.

Minimum of 300 Whooper Swan on the Mere during the day with many more coming in late on. Small groups of Pink-footed Geese coming in and out during the day. Approximate counts of other wildfowl 600+ Greylag, 10 Canada Geese, 2000+ Mallard, c1000 Shelduck, 3000+ Teal, 800+ Wigeon, c500 Pintail, 10 Gadwall, 20+ Shoveler, 2o+ Pochard, 30+ Tufted Duck, 3 Goldeneye.

'I'm sure I just saw a Marsh Harrier....' Teal on the look out. (Andy Bunting)

An increase in Oystercatcher with 15 birds, 1500+ Lapwing, 100+ Ruff, c.10 Black-tailed Godwit, 10+ Snipe and 2 Redshank.

Other records included female Brambling again near the Kingfisher Hide, Water Rail from the Ron Barker Hide, 6 Grey Heron, 2 Little Egret, 3+ Mistle Thrush, 2 singing Song Thrush, Fieldfare,  4+ Stonechat and Raven.


If you are visiting Martin Mere for the first time and would like to know what is around and the best areas to see specific species do call in at the in focus shop, next to the Discovery Hide which over looks the Mere. It should be possible to see over 60 species in a day without too much difficulty.

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