Wet and Windy

The migration door was well and truely shut today with blustery wind and showers throughout the day. Whooper Swan numbers edged up to 38 birds including the first family party with 3 juveniles and ~ 5000 Pink-footed Geese roosted on the reserve.

Pink-footed Geese from the Ron Barker Hide this morning.

The weather charts for Thursday look good again for bringing further influxes and perhaps the first rarer/scarce geese among the Pink-foot flocks?

More North-Westerlies should bring in more geese and swans (BBC Weather)

Most birds today kept a low profile however at least 3 Marsh Harrier were hunting, 4+ Buzzard, 2 Kestrel and Barn Owl, the later out at 4pm onwards.

This well marked female Marsh Harrier has been present for a few weeks now.

The usual waders plus a single Curlew early on.

Check out the sitings from the previous few posts to get a fuller picture of what is around.


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