Wet and windy

The weather might be wet and windy, but the conditions are ideal for counting some of our flightier species

The weather might be wet and windy, but the conditions are ideal for counting some of our flightier species such as Lapwing and Golden Plover, as the weather discourages them from moving between the fields and there is less chance of their predators being on the hunt too.

At least 105 Bewick's Swans identified so far today, with a reserve count of around 115 birds likely. One bird, named Penkin, was seen on the Big Pen next to the Visitor Centre this morning. The rest of the swans are starting their day on the Rushy before moving to the Tack Piece, with some birds heading inland to traditional wet fields near the village.

With the wet weather we managed a minimum count of 3,274 Lapwing on the reserve this morning, with likely more up at the north end of the reserve uncounted. The Golden Plover have been in the Goose Fields to the north of the Tack Piece, with the area inaccessible as it currently holds the White-fronted Goose flock. Although we can't get up there to count, you can still view the spectacle from the Estuary Tower.

Kingfisher Hide
Again big flocks of Lapwing and Dunlin here on Bottom New Piece field, with 1,206 Lapwing counted. A flock of 90 Barnacle Geese were also present.

Zeiss Hide
A single Ruff was with a flock of 582 Lapwing. Also noted on the Top New Piece were a few Teal and Wigeon plus 33 Pintail and a Great Black-backed Gull.

Estuary Tower
The Tack Piece is again filled with thousands of birds including Wigeon, Pintail, Teal, Bewick's Swan, Shoveler, Lapwing, Dunlin, Golden Plover, Black-tailed Godwit, Redshank and Curlew. A flock of 84 Barnacle Geese were on the Dumbles along with the Ross's Goose and usual hybrids.

South Lake
The drake first-winter Greater Scaup was on the deep lake this morning with a small group of Pochard. Also noted were 14 Cormorant, nine Avocet, 17 Dunlin, 23 Tufted Duck, 20 Pochard, 549 Lapwing, two Gadwall, 13 Black-tailed Godwit and four Ruff.

Decoy Hide
Slightly sheltered from the wind, duck this morning included 22 Tufted Duck, four Shoveler and a drake Pintail.

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