Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS Count) 20 December 2021

Here are the totals of all species of bird seen on Monday 20 December at WWT Welney.

Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS Count)

Highlights were 13 cattle egret, increasing numbers of lapwing and golden plover.

Cormorant - 8
Great white egret - 8
Cattle egret - 13
Little egret - 8
Grey heron - 5
Mute swan - 18
Greylag goose - 416
Canada goose - 340
Pink-footed goose - 26
Shelduck - 7
Wigeon - 2400
Pochard - 170
Gadwall - 40
Teal - 890
Mallard - 545
Pintail - 71
Shoveler - 773
Tufted duck - 61
Goldeneye - 2
Moorhen - 15
Coot - 127
Little grebe - 2
Golden plover - 1100
Lapwing - 5801
Dunlin - 20
Ruff - 67
Snipe - 20
Black-tailed godwit - 1000
Redshank - 56
Green sandpiper - 1
Marsh harrier - 13
Buzzard - 7
Kestrel - 2
Peregrine - 1
Short-eared owl - 1
Pheasant - 6
Carrion crow - 5
Jackdaw - 34
Rook - 170
Magpie - 10
Wood pigeon - 54
Collard dove - 2
Feral pigeon - 1
Green woodpecker - 1
Skylark - 4
Meadow pipit - 43
Stonechat - 3
Starling - 491
Reed bunting - 4
Chaffinch - 3
Goldfinch - 34
Greenfinch - 1
Great tit - 4
Blue tit - 4
Pied wagtail - 2
Kingfisher - 3
Redwing - 3

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